Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Thinking I'd Go

THe walls are thin tonight as they listen to her sob. A soul is made of several compartments. One is passion. One is compassion. Which is she crying for? which is she striving for? What do you hear between the lines?

She's weak. She wants you to know that. She's weak. go ahead, think of obscure references she'll use next... Jello, ribbons, strings, birds, giraffes even (wann ahear that one? it's pretty funny. i'll tell you later)

Now where do you apply? where do you fit in? She was supposed to be a peice to your puzzle (yes she's addressing you.) was she thepeice towards completion? or was she the one you misplace in the confusion and you come to end and realize you did all the work but there's a hole there. a tiny one. not enough to take away from thepicture but there anyways. Or was she the child you encountered that stomped around making monster noises and crushed it all? We'll all go with the last. It's a far more entertaining idea. A far more fitting one with her day to day personality. You can all imagine it, i know you can, her arms and legs raised, maybe she's in pigtails making a scrunchy face, baring teeth in the silliest sort of way. opening her mouth to wide. stomping like a godzilla going "roooarrr" Isn't it amusing? almost cute?

She met someone beautiful tonight but was afraid to talk in fear of being in awe of her for the rest of her life. WOuldn't that be awful? To love someone so impossible.

Oh wait, is that what this is? hah.

Let's laugh. all at once. Point your finger.

Are you ready?

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