Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Selective Theorizing

Sometimes i watch these tv shows. and there's this filter on my brain. I can only see, only pick up the parts that i want to see.

love. marriage. heartbreak.

I feel like... A person grows up and realizes they want something in their life... be it children or a wife or whatever. They realize they want it, that they have room in their hearts for that one specific thing. And at first i tcould be a distant fantasy of "someday" and that's acceptable.

But then too quickly that space realized becomes a hole. A hole in one's life. in their heart. And so with their entire being they're able to want and ache and hurt over something they've never truly had.

Sure, it's coming too fast, at the wrong times in life. A thousand other reasons that all point to no.

But there's still that emptiness. Still that achey pain

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