Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Last night's dream:

it was incredibly detailed. but it'll take too long to explain. basically.... we were in a pregnant lady's home/store and supposed to be taking care of her fake baby/doll thing in exchange for a ride somehwere. we didn't pay attention and the mechanical crying began. we didn't know where it went to. it was found stuck inbetween the bed and the nightstand still crying. Needless to say, the woman (who had treated it like it were real, had curly hair, wore a denim maternity shirt, and walked around her house picking up toys) kicked us out of her house. next we somehow got abducted by a psychotic homeless looking man who had a house but was incredibly dirty (think "castaway"). He was making us paint his bathroom with paint that was WAY too think and looked watery (i had a burgundy maroon color). He lectured us about going to college and his hair looked really dirty. My borther (santi) called my other brother (sonny) asking if he had enough *Euros* to pay for our taxi ride home. I remembered i had a credit card and that we could use it to pay whomever we needed to escape from the crazy hobo man. THat was it...

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