Thursday, October 02, 2003

Too many secrets kept. touches unwanted, beatings taken, lives lost and wasted. too many secrets kept. too many secrets told. midnight whispers, small vocabularies, and things gone by unnoticed. The secrets within me stored. all their secrets. all their secrets. all their secrets. they've told me all thier secrets and i'll store them in my heart. let them have me. let them hurt me. let them eat me alive cause i won't ever tell. your deepest darkest secrets, don't worry, they're safe with me. don't worry, they're gaurded with me. don't worry, i'll take them, keep them. save them as reminders that bad things happen to the people I love the most, the people I need the most, the people i wish i could protect the most. BUt i can't, i never could, never will be able to. Instead i'll take these, your secrets, the dark scary things you keep locked in your minds and give you nightmares at night. I'll take them and let you say them and let them haunt me too. but never as they do to you. never the feelings that suffocate you at night, never the guilt, the shame, the pain. only the sinking feeling and the knowledge. I'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry that such things had to happen. sorry for the hits, the strips, the things that make murder. I'm sorry. It wasn't my fault and there was nothign i could have done. i couldn't have been there an di couldn't have known but i'm sorry. Sorry because it hurts you. because i love you so much it rips me apart and i wish nothing could ever hurt. that your invinciblity could last, that it was real, that it could be me and i could always come in harm's way for you. I would always ruch into harms way for you. for all those secrets, all those monters ripping away at your insides. I'd take them away if i could, take them as my own if i could, take each and every, each and every blow. if i could. Too many secrets kept and they're mine too, now. Mine to keep, to eat, to let poison me. Swallowed down and tears held back because this is not my story, not my secret. Just yours. i'm so sorry. so sorry. so sorry that i can't forget and am hurt for you everytime i look in your eyes. Hur tbecause i know the terror you keep behind them.

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