Sunday, October 26, 2003

ew. bad morning. bad sleep. i kept waking the fuck up and so FINALLY at what i think is 9 o clock i decide to call it quits and just lay in bed. i'ev woken up angry, bitter, irritable, and having a party in my poll of selfpity. ohdear god i LOVE mornings like these. and THEN i discover stupid mother fucking daylight goddamned savings! i didn't wake up at 9 o clck like my handy not so smart alarm clock told me. i woke up at 8. EIGHT!!! sydney tan was awoken at 8 in the FUCKING morning on a sunday. and then my mom comes in... (grumbles underbreath) to use my computer to buy tickets to Disney on ice wearing *my* clothes. no. not just my clothes... but my favorite pair of pajama pants that yes. stupidly enough i decided nto to wear (in my stupid little head it worked out under the category of "save teh best for last) and one of my tank tops. gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. i give her evil looks as she sit here shaking the mouse for several moments before realizing THE FUCKING COMPUTER ISN'T ON DAMNIT!!! and then she asks em to move the computer. MOVE THE COMPUTER. she can go suck my dick. "blah blah blah your room is always so messy. i hate having to come in here balh blah blah" shove it up your FUCKING asss!!!! i'm SORRY you don't fucking care about me any goddamned more caus eyou have a new play thing and i'm jsut old and dirty. i'm sorry you don't even care enough to say i love you on my goddamned birthday. that i didn't get anything and that EVERYONE i cared about but my parents made my day. she leaves while i curse her beneath my blankets. and then i came online. the poor boy brandon IMs me and i just GO AT IT. all of this you've just read? he had to deal with and try to calm me down. poor poor boy. he should hate me by now. so here i am. still VERY angry, bitter, and irratible but now i'm incredibly cold (stupid hole in the fucking cieling and all that damn wind outside) and horribly hungry. oh. and by the way. i've got a jillion mesquito bites and one just flew INTO the little breathy hole gaps of my computer. HAH. take that mother fucker.

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