Saturday, May 13, 2006


I'm a woman of secrets and begging. I've thrown it all away. thrown it all away. "for you" she says.

There's a certain sort of secret that I shouldn't have ever committed.

And he can't forgive and she can't give up. He can't forgive and she can't give up.

And her feet pound into the cement, in the middle of roads in the middle of nights. She goes through the streets back and forth, waeving. Leaving a trail of screams behind her. She runs until her body is red and swollen. She disregards it. She's running and running. and by roadside her legs throw a thousand spindly shadows. She can't breathe and she runs harder.

A punishment she'll suffer for days.

And her body can't take the pain. and she vomits. and vomits. thinks "i don't want this in me anymore" but she's taken nothing in. She's dry now. dry now.

She's waiting on him. Can't give up. Begs for days. cries into phones.

there are things she won't tell you because she's ashamed.

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