Sunday, November 23, 2003

grrrr. today i had some serious issues shaving. hehehe

first i.. heh... well.. i cut myself in a place where you REALLY don't want a cut. :coughdowncoughtherecough: OUCH!

and then i cut my ankle while shaving my legs. there goes **my** running streak of having NEVER cut myself while shaving my legs. grrrr. later on i put a bandaid on it.. mostly cause i like bandaids, not cause it was THAT bad that i needed one.

AND THEN!!! while shaving my legs my hair got in the way so i go to flip my hair outa my face with that whole girly head twitch shake throw thing.. you knwo teh kind... the type they have in commercials so girls toss thier hair from side to side... well... usually doin' that works out for me... but it threw of fmy balance and i almost liek HARDCORE ate it. i almost wished that someone had been there to laugh at me with me. ...

... any takers? hehe

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