Tuesday, November 30, 2004

End of The Semester

It's coming soon the end is...

Only like two more weeks. BLECH.

and for all of you that were wondering...

Adam and i have a very bipolar relationship... or more like i'm bipolar in our relationship. one second i love him to death and i want to marry him and have a million of his babies. the next second i'm at the verge of tears, considering beraking up with him, and angry at how uncontrollably i hate him.

But this isn't ever to him, well it is, but not the full effect of my RAGING emotions. sometimes i talk to you guys (my few friends) and it seems downright wretched. like we're the world's most dysfunctional couple. Other people get painted this lovely little picture of cuteness and sickening affection.

And so that is how we are... or i am...

Either way, whether i'm in a bad mood or good i still know he's the best boy for me ever ever.

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