Sunday, February 27, 2005




I feel sorta bad. cause well, i have this friend. and she's one of my very few close friends. and blah blah blah all those really gret friendy things, right? indeed.

and... i dunno...

i'm lame. and that sucks. but if push comes to shove and i dissapoint how am i suposed to make it up?

1 comment:

Laura said...

no, darling, I meant cheese and pickles. because that is what I was eating at the time.

cheese on crackers

and pickles.

It's not as bad as you'd think.

and I do hope this entry isn't about me...because no matter what I will always love you, and don't worry about dissapointing me, or anyone else. Because you are wonderful. and I love you.

and when I come down in march, we will spend time together. and talk. for reals this time not like other times when we were "too busy".