Tuesday, July 06, 2004

We never got any closure. i never got to say what i'm REALLY thinking. mostly cause i'm a little pussyass coward. mostly cause i can't even bare seeing you let alone talking to you. some people just don't deserve to know your true feelings. it'd be a waste of breath and a waste of time.

i told myself i wouldn't be so immature as to bag on you in my blog like all the other little online journal kids. but i just can't help it.

some one REALLY needs to tell you.

YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT. honestly, i've taken a worldwide poll and the results are in... you've been voted BIGGEST stupid fuck. most likely to NEVER grow up. person we'd ALL hate to be stranded on an island with.

i'm inclined to say i'm sorry, but i'm not. you're a loser. nothing but an ugly, disgusting, soul-less loser.


and i don't even know why i haven't seen or talked to you in a while yet i STILL hate you. i hate you.

maybe you never knew... BUT I HATE YOU.

i hate the things that remind me of you, the pictures of you, the mention of your name, the unwelcome thought of you. anything that somehow pertains to you... I HATE IT.

it makes me sick. you make me sick.

and i've been dying to say this for so long and that's the reason i can't get it out of my goddamned system... because you never knew.

i almost want to call you just to say that i hate you. just to tell you what a horrible human being you are. how you have no conscience and that i'm probably one of the biggest bitches and half the people i know hate me... YET I'M STILL BETTER THAN YOU.

because at least there's an ounce of fucking common goddamned sense.

you always thought you were better than everyone, think you're better than everyone. i'm not sure if you know it yet... but you're not.

no, you are not smarter.

no, not prettier. not hotter. not nicer. not cooler. not more fun. hell, you're not ANYTHING better than ANY one.

sometimes at night i think of how much time i wasted on you and how you've always been such a bitch.

and then i realize i have no reason to feel guilty about how much i truly despise you.

1 comment:

Laura said...

hehe, soul-less.

yes. I concur.