Monday, May 31, 2004

the upstairs is leaking into the downstairs and

it seems to be raining in the bathroom...

she's dead.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Look, a picture from... :thinks: a couple weeks ago? Either way, it was my prom. Take note: i look ridiculous and my mouth is stuffed with food. Posted by Hello
Adam's prom last night.

sorta really ruined by my family. yay.


we did get keychains. mwwwahahahahahahhaa

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


want to be swept off my feet,

not to simply love, to be in love,

or to *fall* in love.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Want an update, do you?

I'll give you an update...

my great-grandmother, was eating sunday night, since, you know, that's what normal people do, eat. and she began to choke on something. my aunt, being a doctor tries to give her the hiemlich. doesn't work. call in the nurse (my g-grandma lives in a "home"). she performs the hiemlich again, doesn't work. call 911. tube down. at this point, she hadn't been breathing for about 10 minutes.

My great grandma, more affectionately known as Lola, is now in a hospital bed, on a life support machine. Most likely, she is brain dead. now various relatives (her children) are flying in from here or there. and other various relatives (the ones that live here) are constantly to and from the airport for pickup. we all congregate in teh ICU waiting room each night to debate the ultimate issue... plug vs. unplug.

and now, before you go making an ass out of yourself and say "well at least she was your great grandma and you couldn't have possibly known her that well." i did, ok? now, we weren't the best of friends, she wasn't my idol, she wasn't any sort of protector, gaurdian, or even a favortie. but yes, i did know her. i can remember every house she's lived in since i've been born. i remember all the food she cooked. all the things she told me. the languages she spoke. i remember toys and cakes and late san jose nights walking away from her apartment. the various collectible teeny things in her house, the religous pictures on her wall, when she became so senile she heard voices.

but i guess everyone has a time to die. and i guess there have been far greater sufferers than i. so who am i to complain? i'm not trying to complain, just trying to get this out of me i suppose. looking for some sort of solace in my own words.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

I think i like this new blogger dealie. it's fun times.

except maybe my template is a little too pink...

today is thursday, saturday is adam's bday. ISN'T IT EXCITING!?

Monday, May 10, 2004

exit project?


Saturday, May 08, 2004

Wasting time till 12... eeks

"5. the way he treats women in general. damn bastard."

1.Go into your blog archives.

2.Find your 23rd post (or closest to it).

3.Find the fifth sentence (or closest to it).

4.Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
today is prom day. i've mapped out what needs to be done today. yes, yes.

i had bad dreams last night and woke up crying. and erhm, yea. not good times.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

He remembered the moment his lips first touched hers, when he slowly leaned in, heart full of excitement, body tingling with anticipation. He remembered the moment her hand gently rested on his cheek, her soft fingers caressing his jawbone. He remembered the moment when he first realized he loved her. He loved her sweet smell, the diamond sparkle in her deep eyes, every breath that escaped her lovely, precious body. He loved to be with her, he loved himself when he was with her, and he loved them together. It was the kind of love he was sure would last a lifetime.
I'm tired...

but then again, what am i tired of? who really knows... i'm tired of you. of the pretending of the anger. i'm tired of this circling. and most of all... i'm tired of the me, with you.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

hehe went to wonder con

aren't you all jealous?

Saturday, May 01, 2004




who got nominated for prom queen!??!? UHM!!!

i'll let you have one goddamned mother fuckin' guess!!!!

Uhm, ME!!!!

can we get the party started or what?!

flowers? check
date? check
tux? check
tickets? check
guest pass? check
my dress? (looks around)
My hair? (looks away)
My makeup? shoes? (pretends not to hear you)

ahhhh, the good times.